In this video, This Old House landscape contractor Roger Cook explains how to clear poison ivy.
1. Tape closed pant hems at ankles, and shirt sleeves at wrists; put on eye goggles and work gloves. 2. Grab poison ivy plant close to ground and pull to extract root; soaking ground with water can ease root pulling. 3. Stuff uprooted vines into plastic trash bag; place full bag inside of another bag for extra protection against the oily vines. 4. Put trash bags out with household trash; never burn or compost poison ivy. 5. To deter poison ivy from returning, cover ground with thick layer of leaves or wood chips. 6. When done, scrub hands with a mineral-spirits-based cleanser, such as Tecnu or Zanfel; rinse well with cold water. 7. Launder clothes in separate load in washing machine.